NEW Work Exchange Scheme - Irish participants come back for Season 2 in NZ!
Agriculture & Primary Industry - Christchurch - City

New Zealand Dairy Careers (NZDC) and Farm Relief Services (FRS) are thrilled to announce their collaboration to offer an Immigration New Zealand-approved Work Exchange Scheme, providing opportunities for 18-30-year-old dairy farmers from New Zealand and Ireland. NZDC is the only Immigration New Zealand approved organization that holds this accreditation for the dairy industry which enables people who had already used a Working Holiday Visa (WHS) in NZ to return again. Under the scheme, Irish participants have the opportunity to experience 12 months in the vibrant dairy industry of New Zealand, expanding their skills and knowledge in a diverse agricultural landscape. Importantly, Irish citizens who have previously used their New Zealand Working Holiday Visa allocation are also eligible to apply for this Work Exchange Scheme, allowing them a second sojourn in New Zealand.

Key highlights of the NZDC-FRS Work Exchange Programme include:

  • Irish citizens who have already used their New Zealand Working Holiday Visa allocation are also eligible to apply for this Work Exchange Scheme
  • Paid job placements for young Irish on dairy farms in New Zealand with average wages ranging from $25 to $33 per hour.
  • On-the-job training in various aspects of dairy farming, including animal health, pasture management, and farm maintenance.
  • Accommodation options, pastoral support services, assistance with visa applications, travel arrangements, through to airport transfers.


  • Already used a NZ Working Holiday Visa and want to return!
  • Be between the age of 18 - 30 years old
  • 1 full years dairy farming experience
  • Full International Drivers Licence 
  • Irish Citizenship 

If you have already worked in New Zealand on a WHV and would love to come back for Season 2! Apply Today!